Human Design 101

Meet Shayna and Dana the souls behind DayLuna
Meet Shayna and Dana the souls behind DayLuna

If you’re into astrology, numerology, or Myers-Briggs you probably have heard of Human Design (HD). If all of these words sound foreign or too “woo woo”, rest assured you will be fully hooked by the end of this post. I stumbled upon HD after hearing about it in a manifesting podcast (another post for another time). I was instantly intrigued. After downloading my chart and implementing my design authority, I saw instant results (I am not exaggerating when I say instant). I believe HD fits in with holistic living because it helps us understand our MIND through our open and closed centers. It connects us with our BODY by understanding our energy type and following our authority. It helps us follow our SPIRIT (or soul path) by looking at our gates and channels. Human design has allowed me to submit to who I truly am and what I came here to do. After reading my chart, I felt like I had met just myself for the very first time. 

HD creates a personalized blueprint of your authentic life path that when followed, lets you manifest the life you truly desire. It’s my belief that as souls, we make a contract before we enter this lifetime of what we need to do in order to evolve into higher beings. This contract has certain innate desires (i.e lifestyle desires) built into its clauses. Unfortunately, various life experiences and societal conditioning teach us to stray away from these desires. When we live our human design, it opens up doors that our conditioned selves never could have imagined. It’s amazing how these small changes that HD suggests can create less resistance and allow us to become authentically ourselves. 

By divine timing, I recently had a life changing HD reading with Dana Stiles and Shayna Cornelius, the co-founders and CEO’s of DayLuna (can I get a woot woot for female founded businesses). This reading was extremely validating and was the divine guidance that I needed before the full impact of the current pandemic set in. Without HD and my reading with DayLuna, I would have never started MindFULL. I have spent a majority of my life believing that living the life of my dreams was not for me and only meant for others. I have a lot of open centers (you’ll understand these after reading your chart) and this leaves me susceptible to conditioning. Through my conditioning, I subconsciously decided I would spend my life witnessing and encouraging other’s success instead of working towards my own. I am now choosing to fully own my power and start working on what my soul came here to do. I instantly felt a connection with Dana and Shayna and knew that I wanted to interview them for one of my first posts. 

Before you read the interview below, I encourage you to download your chart HERE. You will need your birthdate information including when, where, and what time you were born. This will all be on your birth certificate. DO NOT FREAK OUT about how intricate your chart is, this is why I created this post and why I highly encourage you to check out DayLuna after reading this.

How would you describe human design to someone who has never heard of it before?

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. It is a synthesis of four ancient modalities: Western Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah Tree of Life, and the Chakra System. Using your Birth Date, Time, and Place, Human Design shows you the blueprint of your highest potential and energetic body. It shows you how you are unique and designed to function differently than other people. Your Human Design chart tells you which out of the 5 energy types you are and gives you insight on how you make decisions correctly, how you are meant to interact with others, and which talents and characteristics are inherent to you.


For someone who just downloaded their HD chart what are the top five things they should look at when wanting to have a better understanding of their chart? 

The most important aspects of your chart are 1. Your Energy Type 2. Your Strategy (the way you use your energy) 3. Your Authority (decision making process) 4. The places where you empathetically take in other people (undefined Chakras) 5. Your Channels and Gates (the talents and characteristics come naturally to you.)


What was your first human design reading like? What hooked you? 

When we first discovered Human Design we found out that both of us are “Projectors” which is one of the more rare energy types. At that time in our lives, both of us were working jobs that felt exhausting and unfulfilling. We both felt like we were ready to start living our true life purpose, but had no idea what that really meant for us or how to move forward. With Human Design, we discovered, that is it not energetically correct for us to work the standard amount of 8 hours per day. That info resonated so clearly for us. Diving in further, we started discovering information about how we function differently than what we had been taught to do. We both felt this sense of relief, validation, and freedom that we had never felt before. It was a true turning point in our lives and a catalyst that brought us down the most soulful, beautiful journey! 


What were the steps you took that helped you live your design?

The first thing we started doing was honoring our energy levels. As Projectors, we produce less energy than other people do. We both started to reframe the expectations and standards we were trying to meet each day. The next thing we started doing was ferociously studying Human Design. We would stay up until 2 am chatting about all we had learned that day. For our specific design, studying is one of the actions steps you can take to start changing your life on an energetic level. As we worked less and followed our passions more, major things started effortlessly shifting in our lives.


What is one thing you wish more people knew about HD? 

We truly believe that Human Design is one of the most powerful self-discovery modalities out there. One of the most transformational aspects of this science is the unique decision making, called “Authority”.  Most people can agree that one of the most challenging parts of life is making major designs. Should I quit my job of 20 years? Should I get married? Should I get divorced? Should I move to a new country to start my dream job? These huge decisions seem to be the thing that causes us the most anxiety, the most regret, or doubt. In our society, we are so conditioned to believe that we are here to make decisions from a rational, calculated, mental place. We are taught to weigh the pros and cons and to ask for the experts' opinions. We are often taught to make these decisions out of fear disguised as reason. This way pulls us away from our Truth, our inner-knowing and inadvertently disempowers us. Human Design teaches that making decisions from the mind is never correct for any of us and never serves our highest good. Instead, we are each here to let our inner-knowing and our bodies lead us to what is right for us. Human Design gives you specific and detailed information about how to discover your version of inner-truth, which part of your body to listen to, and what it feels like when something is right for you.


How do you think HD can fit into holistic living?

What this science really teaches us how to live in alignment and what that looks like for each person as a unique individual. When we are living our life purpose and interacting with others in a way goes with the flow of our natural energy, we not only feel happier, more fulfilled, and more successful, we also feel healthier. Living in alignment and having acceptance of ourself and others is one of the most important parts of living a whole and thriving life.


Anything exciting happening for DayLuna that you want to share?

At Dayluna, we do online Human Design Readings and we make personalized Human Design Boxes that come with a printed booklet of your Chart and Reading along with beautiful high-vibe mediation tools (such as crystals and essential oils) that are hand selected to support your unique energy. As Dayluna expands, we are so excited to be doing an online virtual retreat day on the phase 2 of Human Design this September. This Information and Transformation Online Retreat Day will include a course on Human Design Primary Health System, where we can teach about the style of diet and digestion, living environment, life perspective, and personal motivation that is the most supportive for each individual. Each person joining from home will receive a Dayluna Box with their PHS chart and Retreat Day items to support them in our virtual sacred circle. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to share this powerful info with our community and connect through soul nourishing modalities for the mind, body, and spirit.

I hope you found this post informative and exciting. I can’t emphasize how much diving into HD has helped me create a deeper sense of self and purpose. I feel validated and powerful when I am living my design. HD has held my hand and supported me during this pandemic and my hope is that it will help inspire you to start truly living out what you came here to do. Trust me, the universe will support this.

Next Steps: If you are hungry for more visit DayLuna HERE. Check out their website. I always tell people after downloading your chart to check out their podcast. They have individual episodes for each design type, which is so helpful (LISTEN HERE). After listening, if you resonate and are curious for more, I would consider scheduling a virtual session with Dana and Shayna. If that is not available to you currently, I would definitely subscribe to their podcast as their episodes are so applicable and informative when it comes to living out your design. I hope I have turned you all into HD junkies and that you are able to apply it towards living your holistic lifestyle.

If you are keen to share your experience of HD with me contact me HERE. I’d love to chat.


Be MindFULL and see you again soon.

Xoxo, Jesse 



Advice from a dead guy.