The Basics of Inner Child Healing
Image by Artur Aldyrkhanov
Helllllo. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. It feels good to be back. As we are knee deep in the nitty gritty of this collective uplevel in consciousness, I wanted to offer you some support. Currently, there is a huge opportunity for the healing of our inner child. I wanted to break down what this is and how you can go about healing your inner kiddo.
The concept of inner child healing is a beautiful mix of psychology and spirituality, which is probably why I love it. The basic premise is that when we experience trauma and/or our needs not being met during our early developmental years, it freezes a portion of our child self in time. While our body and mind will continue to develop, there will be an aspect of self that is trying to mend this experience through the lens of a child. As we move into adulthood, we will experience many situations that mimics the story our inner child created from the initial trauma. This is usually when our inner child will take over the driver’s seat. Imagine your 5 year old self driving a car… not ideal.
How do we know when this is happening? Usually, it’s when our reaction is disproportionate to the experience or situation. Our reaction will often be paired with the emotions of a child where there is little rationality or ability to ground ourselves. Can you think of a situation like this?
How to we heal our inner kiddo? This is a process that requires commitment, much like having your own kids. In my experience it starts by looking at our current triggers. What in your life is creating a strong emotional reaction that can feel irrational? Can you look back on a time in your childhood where you felt the same way?
When we experience a trauma as a kid, big or small, we develop a belief about ourselves. For example, I am not good enough, I am bad, I am not safe etc. Coming back to the current situation, are you also holding the same underlying beliefs? When you identify the connection, you’ve hit inner child gold.
From here you get to be the one that meets your inner child’s needs. There is no right answer but it usually involves play or an intimate conversation with self. You will know what you need by the way your body responds. It’s okay to get it wrong as that is how we learn.
Want more support on this? This is why I have created a 15 minute inner child meditation that you can download here. I recommend having a journal nearby to write down what comes up for you (hint you can use the questions we ask your inner child during the meditation as journal prompts for later).
You can also purchase my co-book The Sacred feminine which has multiple chapters that dive into inner child healing (including mine).
Are you craving to go deeper? Let’s book a psychic reading and see what your inner child has to say.
Want on-going support? My Psychic Therapy sessions as a way to help tend to the inner child by mixing psychotherapy with psychic work. Post a one hour reading, I offer this on-going work for those wanting to continue their healing.
Thanks for being here and showing up for yourself. Let’s keep healing together.
Xx Jesse