What no one tells you about accessing your intuition.
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I believe that everyone has an intuition here to help guide you through this lifetime. I also believe that intuition is just another word for being psychic. Therefore, I believe everyone is psychic and that this looks different for each of us. Tapping into your intuition does not mean you have to go out, buy a crystal ball, and start using phrases like mercury is in retrograde. It simply means that you’re using your inner voice to navigate your world. It means showing up in your job, your relationships, and your passions in a way that is authentic to you.
Most likely you have clicked on this post because you have started doing the work or are interested in doing the work to access your intuition. My guess is that now you’re noticing a shift mentally and physically. You might be feeling alone in this, but let me tell you that you are far from alone. Accessing your intuition comes with numerous twists and turns that can often feel isolating and even pointless. Let me assure you that this experience is far from pointless and it will lead you down a path far outside of your wildest dreams. These are the things that I wish I would have known when I stepped into the world of intuition. Please do your best to remove labels such as good or bad from the experiences I share. How you experience these might look a bit different but each one is part of the process.
Shadow Work- If you are unsure of what this is, you can read my post about shadow work here. Your emotions will ebb and flow throughout this process. You will start to dig up stories that were stored in your psyche from not only your past but from your past lives and even your ancestor’s lives. I’ve experienced anxiety and depression and I still do. It is really painful and can feel hard to climb out of. However, I have developed a deeper understanding of and I have less fear around experiencing emotions. Please know that there is NOTHING wrong with you, at times I felt that I was broken and wondered if I was alone in what I was feeling. Shadow work is in my opinion, the most important part of this process. I strongly recommend the support of a therapist (or supportive practitioner) and a community of friends who are also spiritual.
The more you know the less you know-I thought that being psychic would mean I would wake up and know it all. Lol. Spoiler alert it doesn’t. Being psychic doesn’t mean you predict the future. There are infinite amounts of outcomes happening at all times with infinite realities. Yeah… it’s a bit much for our human minds to handle so instead I choose to trust that the universe has my back even when it doesn’t feel like it. Intuitive hits are shared by your spirit team as breadcrumbs, a little here and there so you can get where you need to go. With time, I have become more open at seeing the signs I have been asking for but sometimes it takes me a bit. Be patient, you have to surrender and trust that the universe has your best interest at heart. There is a freedom that comes with surrendering. It doesn’t always feel easy as it goes against our human nature but that it where all the magic lies.
Isolation-I still find it so hard to articulate what this experience on intuition activation is like to others, so I am amazed I am writing this post. It’s isolating at times and I have to work at being open with my loved ones. Accessing your intuition means shedding the person you once identified as. It can feel like the life you led no longer feels exciting or nourishing. It can be hard to be around certain people. Your circle will get smaller and you will NEED to set boundaries. The ones that truly love you will understand. I have found that my current relationships are deeper and more supportive. It has been far from easy, but my true friends have stuck by my side. I can’t put into words how much my friend’s support has meant to me. Just know that it’s okay to become a new person.
Fatigue-You might find being in large groups is overwhelming and currently I avoid them. You might find you have less energy to expend on others because you are now expending it on shedding your old self. This is okay, just learn how to recharge yourself. Self-care is key as your system is most likely becoming more sensitive. I have become the master at finding the joy in the little things because they are what keep you going. I have a non-negotiable morning routine that consists of meditation, matcha, and movement. I also have a nighttime routine of candles and stretching. These routines might shift with time and that is okay. Find what works for you but know that it is harder to live intuitively when your battery is always low.
Heightened senses-Accessing your intuition will reshape how you perceive the world. Your ears might start to ring, mine do frequently. Your appetite and food preferences might change. Your sleep patterns can shift. My dreams became less vivid as I started receiving messages while I was awake instead of in a dream state. I also became more sensitive to sleep disruption during astrological events such as the full moon. You might start to see things or feel things that you weren’t aware of before. I started feeling pressure in my ears when my medium gifts started coming through. Sometimes I couldn’t explain it, but I just knew the words that were coming out of my mouth were not my own but that of a spirit guide or ancestor. Slowly, I started seeing everyday synchronicities and signs from my spirit guides. This is all normal and personalized to your journey. Your senses were dulled because society made it that way but now you get to see the world is a whole new light. Embrace this because it is so unique to you and your own superpowers.
New outlook-Once you access your intuition, you can’t unsee what you have seen. This one is hard to explain but I found I started seeing just what life is really about. At times it felt overwhelming & isolating but I knew there was no going back. It’s so exciting to get to live my life as myself and to know that I am getting the most out of my time here. Death has stopped seeming like the end and I feel free to play and explore. I now understand that my life is meant to be enjoyed and that my desires are divinely guided. I am not scared of my emotions or feeling “bad” but instead allow myself to experience the range of emotions that come with being human. I feel more myself that ever.
These are just parts of what I have experienced as I have started allowing my intuition to come forward. It has been messy, scary, and beautiful at all once. Some days I am in my head and tell myself I am crazy while other days I am so connected and excited about my power. This journey will ebb and flow. It is so important to understand that everything is temporary, to ask for help when you need it, and to listen to what you know in your bones is true. I can’t emphasize enough that you are not alone in this. There is no end to this work, it’s a life long journey but the path along the way is more beautiful that anything you could have imagined.
If you are wanting more support on this you can book a session with me here.
Be MindFULL and see you again soon.
Xoxo Jesse